Niagara Falls: Frozen and Flowing

Found Poem.




Amid the clumsiness, there is a found poem that reads as follows:


Niagara Falls: Frozen and Flowing

It’s  a Stunning sight: Niagara Falls frozen in place.

The icy spectacle, a crystalline cascade.

The frigid weather in lower Ontario

Has frozen vast sections of Niagara Falls.

The water never stops flowing underneath.

That is no accident: A long ice boom

 Made of steel catches any ice bergs…

Ice cutters prevent

The falls from Jamming up.

Magnificent, powerful, beautiful, awesome,

stunning surreal and hypnotic.

Niagara Falls.

Three waterfalls make up Niagara Falls.


Three  waterfalls combined.

Unique Beauty.



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6 thoughts on “Niagara Falls: Frozen and Flowing

    1. Thanks for your comment Noirfifre. Everything seems bleak in winter, doesn’t it? Niagara Falls is still beautiful though, to me at least. 🙂


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